
For more information about Barnowls on the Ofsted website click here.

Staff offer a high level of individual care. Key workers know their children well and adpat routines to meet individual needs…….  Children’s behaviour is managed very well throughout the nursery, which promotes a happy, relaxed environment.


Children play in a warm and welcoming environment where their learning and development needs are well met. They are cared for by a staff team who are committed and fully aware of the uniqueness and requirements of the individual children. Staff ensure that all children enjoy a wide range of planned activities tailored to suit their interest and learning needs.


Children with specific requirements such as disability and or English as an additional language are fully supported to enable them to participate in the activities available.


Relationships between parents and carers are well established ensuring children’s needs are met. Parents are complimentary about the nursery stating staff are approachable and children are happy in the nursery. They are aware how their children are learning and developing through regular updates and discussions and state how their children are happy and enjoy attending the nursery. Parents have access to their children’s development records which encourages them to be involved in their children’s learning and development.


Children have many opportunities to develop skills for the future during the varied activities they take part in to promote numeracy, reading, pre-writing skills and use of the computer. Children enjoy looking at books and listening to stories. Children enjoy being outside in the fresh air.


Children have opportunities to learn about the world around them as they take part in celebrations and traditions of their own and other cultures.

Meals are healthy and nutritious and are prepared daily on the premises.

For further information click here….. Ofsted Website